Paralympics in Kashmir

Seminars And Debates
This organisation has held many seminars, debates and discussions regarding different aspects around the disability and disables highlighting the problems of PwSCI and introducing them into the world of Paralympics. Not only this but it is responsible for the. sensitization of society to think and consider and thus give prominence to the acceptance of PwSCI. This organisation has provided a state of art gym centre which has helped para-Athletes to build and shape their body according to the needs of different games they are playing. Other great achievement of this center is to inculcate the impression and idea of competition in PwSCI when they were rotting on beds. Almost every successful PwSCI in J&K has an element of DNA of SRC and it gives us an idea how hard they have worked and rendered their services selflessly and to the level of missionary for which Dr Maqbool and Mr. Khurshid Malik deserve every applaud and praise of highest level and they have left no stone unturned in helping these persons to achieve their goals in which the friendly and compassionate staff of SRC have played a vital role. As they have made PwSCI to feel like home away from their homes a natural process of healing has spread its fragrance of happening instantly on entering the premises of this great organisation. It is an exemplary part of inclusive world and inclusion is realised in their every act and word of their staff and the physical infrastructure is a talking symbol of inclusion.

Insha Bashir
INSHA BASHIR captain of current national women's team J&k, met an accident when she was studying in class 12th,which injured her spine at L1 vertebrae. This incident shattered her for a while but she still continued her studies on
The paradigm shift of her life was when she was admitted in SHAFAQAT REHABILITATION CENTER in 2017 where she got rehabilitated physically and psychologically. The spark in her needed an impetus which SRC provided and then she never looked back. Those days wheelchair basketball was
introduced into Valley and on seeing the PwSCI playing wheelchair basketball she jumped into the sea and within no time she gathered pace. In the same year she went to Tamil Nadu and participated in national level championship. Having good communication skills she rose to the international level and represented India at US in 2019. From a small village to US Insha has featured in lot of prizes and awards and the prominent one being presented by kiren Rijuji. Cutting across the gender barrier Insha is an example of strength, courage and grit.
Ishrat Akhter
ISHRAT AKHTER was born in a village where female folk don’t take part in any sports activities. She was also born into a family where there was no tradition of participation of girls in sports. She, like other girls, had the same mindset, until she fell from the balcony of her house on August 24, 2016, breaking her spinal cord and came to wheelchair. According to Ishrat, after that accident, she was a patient at the SHAFAQAT REHABILITATION CENTRE which is run by VOLUNTARY MEDICARE SOCIETY Srinagar, where she joined the wheelchair basketball team and was selected to play in the national championships in Tamil Nadu, representing Delhi. Jammu and Kashmir did not have a team at that time. She played in the second nationals at Mohali while representing J&K. She was selected for sports victory program in USA in 2019, but due to some personal issues she was not able to attend the program. In 2019, she was selected in India team to represent India at the Asia-Oceania Wheelchair Basketball Championship in Pattaya, Thailand. Besides that, she participated in a boys’ wheelchair race, being the only girl in that race, and secured first position in that race. She also plays wheelchair table tennis. Ishrat was presented awards by the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Manoj Sinha.

Ishrat Akhter and Insha Bashir
Two Inspirational Personalities
Ishrat and Insha are two inspirational personalities for not only female PwSCI but for the fraternity in general who have proved that where there's will there's the way. These two brave, courageous, aspiring and talented girls have become the shining stars of over all severe disability world and have won so many awards at state, national and international levels and are on the way to win many more for they being talented, ingenious and intelligent. While the sport has value in everyone's life, it is even more important in the life of a person with a spinal cord injury. Keeping in view the importance of sports, in 2014, Shafaqat Rehabilitation Center Bemina, Srinagar started wheelchair basketball as a therapeutic rehabilitation and fun game. In the year 2015, a team of 7 boys, all spinal cord injured, was sent to a workshop on Wheelchair basketball conducted by the Wheelchair basketball Federation of India (WBFI) in Chennai, Tamilnadu.

The motive of the camp was to train players and teach players the basics of Wheelchair basketball. In the same year, the 2nd National Wheelchair basketball Tournament was held in New Delhi, and the same 7-member team represented Jammu and Kashmir there. It was the start of a new chapter in the history of Jammu and Kashmir. In the year 2016, some new boys were sent to attend the National Wheelchair Basketball Technical Camp in Hyderabad. The first of its kind national technical camp was organized by the Wheelchair Basketball Federation of India (WBFI) in partnership with the ICRC, the Sports Authority of Telangana State where instructors from the International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF) trained 75 upcoming para-athletes.In the year 2018, a camp was held at Indoor Stadium Srinagar, by the Voluntary Medicare Society in association with the Wheelchair basketball Federation of India (WBFI), where new players both male and female were trained by the instructor and coaches of WBFI. In the year 2019, Jammu and Kashmir have both male and female teams that represented state at the 6th National Wheelchair basketball tournament, held in Mohali Punjab. Apart from that, some of our players were selected for International debut for their best performances wherefrom they touched the horizons of success and gave birth to a fraternity which began to think highly of sports leaving their beds and homes. Today every PwSCI is keen and eagerly waiting to take part in games but the govt is yet to enroll it in their priorities. .