Valley Wheeliez is the official WhatsApp group of Care Foundation.
We are a Family
We are a family of persons with spinal cord injury (PwSCI) commonly known as paraplegic or wheelchair users in the entire Jammu and Kashmir including Ladakh. The majority of the members have sustained spinal cord injury (sci) due to various types of incidents like road traffic accidents (RTA), falls, bullet injuries, surgeries of spinal cord tumours, natural spinal diseases, and medical negligence.

We Compile a Database of PwSCI
We are keen to compile a database of PwSCI and thus come to know about the problems associated with the sci. We are persons from all walks of life like students, unemployed youth, masons, laborers, mechanics, carpenters, farmers, teachers, and so on. As the number of PwSCI is increasing worryingly in J&k and we have failed at all three levels individual, social, and govt to prevent spinal cord injury we had no other option than to come together and work for the prevention of Sci, trigger and mobilize a social campaign and persuade govt agencies to enforce the disability laws and also mobilize people for joining hands in making our environment disable friendly and accessible for all. Unfortunately, despite of disability act we are facing a lot of problems mainly due to the inaccessible physical infrastructure, and removing this impediment is one of our priorities.

Social Acceptance
As social Sympathy alone will not lead us to the ultimate needed empowerment the Foundation will work for a robust campaign regarding the social acceptance of persons with disabilities particularly with severe disabilities like spinal cord injury thus removing the taboos about disability in our society.
We are persons who have lost our careers, businesses, families, and meaningful lives due to this injury and most of our time is spent while sitting on the bed and in toilets because evacuation of bowels is one of the biggest associated problems after this injury. Care foundation will leave no stone unturned in eradicating misconceptions, false narratives and taboos associated with this injury by our society to create an atmosphere where PwSCI can live a meaningful, inclusive and dignified life.