Prevent Spinal Cord Injury

It is an old saying that one and one makes eleven. Together we can transform our world into a barrier free world. There are many ways you can support us by becoming volunteers and spreading the message of PREVENT SPINAL CORD INJURY. So far we have failed at all the three levels - - individual, social and govt level. At individual level we hardly care about the spinal cord injury. J&K being a horticulture state to many sci happen due to Falls from apple, walnut ,cherry and pear trees - There is no awareness about protective gears nor we have developed a culture of preventing spinal cord injury - You can help us in massive mobilisation of civil movement making people sensitive to think of injuries before doing any work. You can help by instigating this power of realisation in masses where every individual thinks of untoward incidents at his/her own and also develop our society into an enforcing agency which at no cost allows any citizen to do the dangerous works without wearing the protective gears .

Spinal-Cord-injury-By-Acmo Network

Also you can help us by keeping the administration on tenter hooks to enforce the law strictly as govt has reach to first level of society and hence can implement laws to protect people from Spinal cord injury - As you know there is no treatment available to reverse the effects of sci it becomes our moral obligation to leave no Stone unturned in preventing this injury which is many disabilities within a disability. You can help us if you are a doctor or medical / nursing staff . Many doctors run their hospitals so they can help us in treating the associated problems of sci like urinary tract infections[UTI]and bedsores which result in the death of PwSCI especially those who are from underprivileged families . It has been seen that due to the limited Financial income Persons with Spinal cord injuries suffer heavily and their small bedsores and minor UTI aggravate as they have not money and attendants to look after . In this regard it is important to mention our only hope and hospital to treat bedsores named SERVE HUMAN SERVE GOD (SHSG) a non- profit and Charitable trust at Chandigarh in the state of Punjab . SHSG is a organisation running two Bedsore caring Centres and a new big rehab -home is under Construction . SHSG holds the record of treating hundreds of PwSCI with bedsores and their result is amazing . Their service is Commendable and the work culture is based on simple goal of serving the GOD by serving the humanity . The most prominent and important aspect of their service is that they provide best of class treatment and food for PwSCI absolutely free and at the time of discharge supply free quality wheelchairs to them. It is run by sangat , the ambience and environment of centres play a vital role as it makes patients feel at home and at the Sametime inculcate discipline and sense of realisation in them which is vital in living a Successful and meaningful wheelchair life. You can help us if you are a doctor or medical / nursing staff . Many doctors run their hospitals so they can help us in treating the associated problems of sci like urinary tract infections[UTI]and bedsores which result in the death of PwSCI especially those who are from underprivileged families . It has been seen that due to the limited Financial income Persons with Spinal cord injuries suffer heavily and their small bedsores and minor UTI aggravate as they have not money and attendants to look after .


Serve Human Serve God

In this regard it is important to mention our only hope and hospital to treat bedsores named SERVE HUMAN SERVE GOD (SHSG) a non- profit and Charitable trust at Chandigarh in the state of Punjab SHSG is a organisation running two Bedsore caring Centres and a new big rehab -home is under Construction . SHSG holds the record of treating hundreds of PwSCI with bedsores and their result is amazing . Their service is Commendable and the work culture is based on simple goal of serving the GOD by serving the humanity . The most prominent and important aspect of their service is that they provide best of class treatment and food for PwSCI absolutely free and at the time of discharge supply free quality wheelchairs to them. It is run by sangat jee (group of compassionate souls having immense faith in the ALMIGHTY) , the ambience and environment of centres play a vital role as it makes patients feel at home and at the Sametime inculcate discipline and sense of realisation in them which is vital in living a Successful and meaningful wheelchair life. You will see PwSCI discharged from their Centres have become responsible Citizens and ready to help others at all costs and at all levels. 

Success Stories

There are so many success stories who were left to die at their beds but the centre and its head Mr. Swarnjit Singh took them from their beds and treated them to the level that becomes impossible for a human eye to recognize that this is a same person who was minutes away from his/her death. They have brought PwSCI from entire north india and parts of central india and provided them not only treatment but a sense of living in a family. Another aspect of their services is that they brought those PwSCI to their centres who had no attendant and managed their bowel evacuation and urination the way one's own relative will not do. In severe cases of bedsores PwSCI evacuate their bowels and urine in a portable commode and the way employees of SHSG carry their faeces is unbelievable and there can be no commendable service than that. My request will be to visit their facebook page and see their wonders of serving humanity to the last level.In today's world it is hard to believe that such an organisation exists on this earth which is providing complete physical and psychological empowerment and rehabilitation to most neglected class of society. You can help us by becoming the attendants of those PwSCI who have no one to take them to hospital and serve them. The best service is service to humanity and we hope after reading this you will be ready to help us and HELP HUMANITY.